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Why does stainless steel mesh corrode and break?

Aug. 28, 2024

Stainless steel mesh is generally not corroded, but nothing is absolute. Stainless steel mesh corrosion fracture is a corrosive fracture caused by stress and corrosive environment. Generally speaking, stainless steel mesh will accelerate the speed of corrosion damage when subjected to external stress in a corrosive environment.

The simple situation is the result of the superposition of these two factors. In a certain corrosive environment, when the metal material is not subjected to stress, the corrosion damage is very small. When subjected to a certain stress, although the stress is sometimes far lower than the strength limit of the stainless steel mesh itself, after a period of time, even the stainless steel mesh with good ductility will also break.

This kind of damage often has no signs, and the damage caused is very serious and often catastrophic. There are roughly three necessary conditions for stress corrosion fracture: special environment, must be subjected to tensile force, and the quality of the stainless steel mesh itself is poor.