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Why choose a window Insect screen for your place

Jun. 30, 2022

Why choose a window Insect screen for your place

Stainless steel insect screens are widely used at homes or commercial sites as a barrier against the movement of insects in or out of the controlled space. These screens are used as biosecurity measures in areas that need physical containment or barrier protection from insects. Common applications include quarantine facilities, insectariums, research labs, and hospitals.

The insect screens are made from standard 316 stainless steel mesh that can easily fit into a frame to suit individual requirements. The screens are easy to install as they can be directly fixed in the holding frame and secured with stainless steel wing nuts. Or they can be installed on the holding frame by using a holding tab mechanism.

Benefits of insect screen mesh:

Barriers against different types of insects for the security of both people and livestock.

Screens can be easily fixed to window and door frames through stapling.

It doesn’t need skills to configure the screen and can be easily opened, closed, installed, and disassembled.

Good airflow around the area.

Rut resistant and prevents moisture and fungi.

Easy to remove and cleanable with water.


It resists the harmful action of the sun.

Prevents harmful insecticides and chemicals that can be hazardous to human health.